I had the privilege of leading worship for our 2012 Women's Conference. There were so many nuggets of truth my heart clung to throughout the event - it was a special weekend to say the least!
{hubby took this - he's so sneaky!}
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Now tell me you aren't comforted by that verse?! Money is nothing, contentment is everything and we are never alone despite what we may think!
I'm finding more and more that when I completely let go and trust in him - my needs are met, my heart is full and my spirit is content {despite a flooded apartment, only having one car in this season of life, not being able to go home for Christmas this year, etc. etc.}.
Friends, life is hard - we all have our difficulties but there is truly nothing better than surrendering our worries, our issues, our anxieties, our "situations" to him. Because "He will carry us a thousand miles to show, that not for a moment are we forsaken."
I leave you with this....this song was one we sang at the conference this weekend and it's so fitting for where my heart has been. I hope it meets yours as well...have a wonderful week and know that you are not alone.
I'm such a huge worry wart about money. Whether we're going to going to have enough for this or that, and ALWAYS He provides. He is such a good, good God.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that the truth? Our worry is wasted energy... :) -d